Dear Diarya,
I am zo sad today. You know why? It's bcoz I made utot in front of him!!! I zo hate it. It's all my thuwinee's fault. I am zo not making her kausap anytime of the day. She has to make makaawa as in luhod to the salt and monggo on the bubog of the beer bottles. I mean, why would you give me that kind of food when you know my super sensitive thrillion dollar stomach could not take it. It's so like frowd. Ugh.
Eniwei... I wanna join this byuti pagent. Wala lang! I'm like so going to make career of it. As in careerwoman! Wooo! I'm so excited. I hope he watches. Well, that is if he ever makes kalimot of the smell of my utot. Really, thuwinee I am zew not speaking to you evah!
Eniwei... Ano pa bang interesting ang nangyari sa kin today? Well, our class is zo boring as uswal. I mean, why do you have to make basa the writings of a dedo? That is like so patetic. I mean, di va? We could like discuss the fashion of G. na lang or play a play. People are really so patetic nowadays. Maybe it's the init. Goshy, it's really so init nowadays... Most especially if he's there. I hope he makes tanggal his shirt. Hihihi. I'm zew landi. Nakakahiya. Hihihi.
Oh before I forget, my 2 frendz will be zelebrating their virday tomorrow! Happy Virday Eric and Cheska! Muaahuuugzzzz! Don't forget to greet them ah. Bcoz I don't want that to happen to me. If someone makes kalimot of my virday, I'll definitely kill that person. Ayowko na maulit yung nangyari sa deboo ko, when only one person greeted me. Tapos wrong send pa pala. Huhu. I heychoo people! I heychoo! I heychoo!
Hayzzz... I hope tomorrow will be a gooder day than today. Dear diarya, I will be wearing pink tomorrow so that the color will transcend (nakanaman ang bokabyulary! I'm so umaariba) thru the day... And I hope I see him again bcoz definitely I will be using my Pretty Girl pabango. Inextract ko pa yun from scented kendel. San ka pa? Eniwei... I have to study pa. That's all for now. Muaahuuugz! Love lots! TCCIC! JAPAN!